'The issue we have in Georgia is it's close': Ballot official attempts to explain result delay and says state is down to its last 47,227 votes as Trump's tight lead HALVES in 24 hours to just 9,000
- Georgia's race is one of the tightest with just 9,000 votes separating Biden and Trump and 47,227 left to count
- It's still unclear what is taking so long to count the actual ballots; officials say they will have them by Thursday night
- Georgia carries 16 electoral college votes and could tip the win for Biden if he holds his Arizona lead
- Neither Arizona nor Nevada say they will give their final results until Friday - prolonging the wait even more
- They are not offering up real explanations for why it's taking so long to count the last votes when so many more have already been counted without issue
- Pennsylvania, the other major swing state, has not yet been called but that may happen on Thursday
- Biden has 264 electoral college votes with Arizona and 253 without it; Trump has 214
Georgia still won't call its election because there are still 47,227 votes left to be counted and the race there is still too tight to make a prediction on, officials said on Thursday as they gave a range of reasons as for why it was taking so long.
Trump still leads in Georgia but only by 9,000 which is around 0.2 percent of the vote. Last night, he was 18,000 ahead.
Biden could win the election with Georgia on Thursday, landing another 16 electoral college points, if he holds on to his lead in Arizona. The result in Arizona is not expected until Friday because there are still 450,000 votes left to count. Officials in both Arizona and Nevada - where only 51,000 need to be counted - say they need at least another day to get through them and get through them accurately, despite the fact that they've rattled through many, many more votes in the last few days alone.
In Georgia, nearly 5million votes have been counted but the result hangs in the last 47,227 which are still being scanned and counted.
In one Georgia county, there was a corrupt memory card on one scanner which meant 400 had to be recounted. Officials in some counties are also using paper ballots for the first time in 20 years because they voted earlier this year that machine voting was not secretive enough. They are then scanning all of the paper votes which is an 'arduous' process, it was said on Thursday.
Speaking on Thursday, Georgia's Voting System Implementation Manager, Gabriel Sterling, said there was nothing suspicious or strange about the process, but that elections were never normally so close so it doesn't always have to come down to an official count.
'We can't know how long the process will take. We hope to have clarity but "done" is a very relative term at this point.
'As we've been stating for weeks and months, it's going to take time. The effort here is to make sure everybody's legal vote is counted properly.
'The issue we have in Georgia is it's a close vote. There's other states that have more votes to count than we do but it's a wide margin so nobody cares,' Sterling said.
Georgia's Voting System Implementation Manager, Gabriel Sterling, said on Thursday the race in Georgia was still too close to call because the margin is so small at 0.2% and it is taking longer to count the votes because some counties are scanning paper votes rather than electronically counting them
Why it is taking so long to reach a conclusion is a question that millions of frustrated Americans are asking and it's being heard around the world. There is no simple answer for it.
In some states, it's because the race is simply tighter than it was in the last election so is difficult for news and TV networks - who ordinarily call elections - to make a decisive projection.
Another reason is that there are more mail-in ballots this year than in elections gone by because of COVID-19.
They are taking longer to pour in and different states had different rules on when those could start being counted.
In any event, Trump is already contesting the results in several states. He says there has been voter fraud in Nevada, with people sending in ballots under dead residents' names, and from non-residents.
In Georgia, he says they weren't able to verify that the count was being done properly.
In Wisconsin, he is also demanding a recount, and in Michigan and Pennsylvania, he wants the counting to be halted.
Trump has not been seen in person since 2.30am on Wednesday, when he prematurely claimed election victory and said the entire process had been a 'fraud on the American people.'
In almost every state that Biden has won, Trump's lead has been strong at first then shrank as more ballots- specifically mail-in ballots - have been tallied up.
He thinks it is suspicious.
He said he did anticipate giving a result by the end of the day.
In Georgia, Superior Court judge James Bass said there was 'no evidence' to the Trump suit's claims that a 53 ballots arrived late and got mixed with other ballots. In Michigan, Judge Cynthia Stephens ruled against the Trump campaign's push to stop the count in order to gain additional access for its observers.
'I have no basis to find that there is a substantial likelihood of success on the merits,' she said.
'All of the recent Biden claimed States will be legally challenged by us for Voter Fraud and State Election Fraud,' Trump tweeted Thursday amid the nationwide blitz of court challenges. 'Plenty of proof - just check out the Media. WE WILL WIN! America First!'
Trump's team scored a win in a Pennsylvania court, but not on an issue that appears likely to sway a race with thousands of ballots being processed.
'The Trump campaign called it a 'major victory,' but state officials appealed, saying it 'jeopardizes both the safety of the City Defendants’ canvass, plus the privacy of voters.'
Even if the Trump legal efforts don't ultimately prevail, they are already succeeding in slowing down the voting process, and Trump's allies are using them to claim Trump has seized an 'overwhelming victory' among 'verifiable' ballots.
2020-11-05 21:13:00Z
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