Jumat, 06 November 2020

US election 2020: Who is ahead in the states still counting? - BBC News

The race for the White House is coming down to who wins the few remaining battleground states - Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona.

A win in just Pennsylvania or two of the other four remaining states would be enough to confirm Mr Biden as president-elect, barring any legal challenge.

Mr Trump, meanwhile, needs to win Pennsylvania and three of the remaining four states.

Paths to victory

This story and the charts will be updated regularly but you can also follow the votes as they come in on our state by state results page.

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Here's the state of play in the states at play.

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GEORGIA - 16 electoral votes

Where things stand: The BBC's results system and US partner CBS are now also showing a Biden lead in Georgia of about 1,000 votes.

How many votes are still be counted: Local officials said on Thursday that around 15,000 votes were left to count, but there has been no update since.

Georgia updated graphic

Where are these votes? These were postal ballots mostly from Atlanta and Savannah, which have skewed heavily toward Biden.

When will we learn more? Officials say they're almost done and we could have a result Friday morning.

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PENNSYLVANIA - 20 electoral votes

Where things stand: Biden has overtaken Trump by just over 5,000 votes, from what was once a Trump lead of more than half a million votes.

How many votes are still be counted: Just over 163,000 votes remain.

Where are these votes? In counties won by Hillary Clinton in 2016, so mostly Democratic votes.

When will we learn more? State officials said they hoped to count the "overwhelming majority" of the outstanding votes by the end of Thursday. That raises the possibility of a projection on Friday morning. Let's see.

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ARIZONA - 11 electoral votes

Where things stand: Biden still has a lead of about 47,000 - but Trump has been gaining steadily throughout the day.

How many votes are still be counted: State officials said on Thursday afternoon that they had about 470,000 votes to count - it's unclear how many are left now.

Arizona updated graphic

Where are these votes? They're from all over this diverse state, but most are in the area around Phoenix.

When will we learn more? We're expecting another batch of results at 09:00 local time on Friday (16:00GMT) - we don't know how many or if they'll prove decisive.

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NEVADA - 6 electoral votes

Where things stand: Biden leads by nearly 12,000 votes, a lead he extended slightly on Thursday with the latest batch of results.

How many votes are still be counted: Officials say there are about 190,000 ballots remaining.

Nevada updated graphic

Where are these votes? About 90% of the votes are from Clark County which includes Las Vegas, and the majority of them are postal ballots.

When will we know more? An additional 51,000 ballots will be reported on Friday, according to Joe Gloria, an official in Clark County. A clearer result will likely come by the weekend.

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2020-11-06 12:12:00Z

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