A Pakistani court overturned the murder conviction of a British national for killing Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002, and reduced his death sentence to seven years’ time served in prison for his kidnapping conviction.
Three other men who were convicted in the same lower court of helping Omar Saeed Sheikh, the British national convicted of organizing the kidnapping and killing of Mr. Pearl, were acquitted by the appeals court in the city of Karachi. They had their sentences of life in prison vacated.
Mr. Pearl was The Wall Street Journal’s Mumbai-based South Asia correspondent when he was abducted in Karachi on his way to what he thought would be an interview with an extremist cleric. He was later killed.
It wasn’t immediately known if the ruling would be appealed to Pakistan’s Supreme Court.
Write to Saeed Shah at saeed.shah@wsj.com
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2020-04-02 05:37:59Z
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