Kamis, 28 Januari 2021

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson visits hospital in Scotland - BBC News

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Latin America's richest man, 80-year-old Mexican telecommunications billionaire Carlos Slim, is in hospital after testing positive for Covid-19, a family spokesman has said.

Slim, whose positive diagnosis was made public on Monday, was in hospital "only for monitoring" and was "in very good health", Arturo Elias said on Wednesday. Slim was receiving treatment at the National Institute of Nutrition, a public health center in the capital Mexico City.

The tycoon and his family, who control Mexico's largest telecoms provider America Movil, are worth an estimated $52bn (£38bn), according to Forbes magazine's list in 2020.

Mexico continues to experience its worst moment in the pandemic. Hospitals in Mexico City are overflowing, and the infection rate shows little sign of slowing down.

It has confirmed about 1.8 million cases of Covid-19 with more than 153,000 deaths, although the numbers are thought to be much higher.

Earlier this week, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced he had tested positive for Covid-19.

The 67-year-old president was experiencing brief episodes of fever and a minor headache but "virtually no other discomfort", and continued to carry out his duties, Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell said on Wednesday.

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2021-01-28 11:37:30Z

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