Jumat, 29 Januari 2021

Iran ‘air raid sirens sounded’ as flights diverted from Tehran - Daily Express

According to Aurora Intel, the air raid sirens reportedly rang for at least 15 minutes. This came after a Turkish flight entered the Iranian air traffic around the capital.

The Twitter account said: “@flightradar24 shows the current air traffic around #Tehran, #Iran at the moment. 

“Interesting flight path for the Turkish Airlines flight.

#Iran Air flight appears to be landing into #Tehran currently, Kish Air will probably follow, #Turkish Airlines #TK874 tracking North out of the city.

“IRM115 enroute to IKA currently as Turkish Airlines #TK874 tracks north.

"No wonder the Air Raid Siren went off, She appears to have circled around an Air Defense Battery reported related to Ballastic Missile production."

The Twitter account also added how it was the same location which reportedly had an "explosion" which never happened last year.

Another Twitter user said: "Tehran airport is currently closed fwiw. Not sure why."

But someone else said it was due to bad weather.

This comes after the Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers pledged to continue to work together and find a resolution of ongoing regional problems.

This week, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif condemned US sanctions on Turkey during a visit to Istanbul.

"We condemn the US CAATSA sanctions imposed on Turkey, these sanctions have no significance," he said during a joint press conference with Mevlut Cavusolgu.

"The US is used to imposing sanctions. 

“These policies of the United States are harmful to itself and to the rest of the world."

Mr Cavusoglu told the press conference he hoped that the US would return to the 2015 accord with Iran.

"We hope the United States will return to the agreement under the Biden administration," he said.

"God willing, sanctions and embargoes on Iran will be removed."

More to follow…

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2021-01-29 21:44:00Z

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