Senin, 25 Januari 2021

Indian and Chinese troops clash at Sikkim on Himalayan border - The Times

Indian and Chinese troops have clashed again on the volatile Himalayan border, with casualties reported on both sides.

An Indian patrol repelled an attempted Chinese incursion across the border in the northern region of Sikkim. Troops came to blows with several injuries on both sides before the Chinese withdrew, Indian officials said.

The Indian military played down the incident as a “minor face-off” but the skirmish follows months of tension along the border between the world’s two largest militaries, both nuclear powers. Chinese forces are still encamped on Indian soil in northwestern Ladakh, after crossing the border to seize strategic territory last May.

The offensive led to brutal fighting when an Indian patrol was ambushed in June. Indian troops were hurled off cliffs into a

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2021-01-25 17:00:00Z

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