Kamis, 26 Agustus 2021

Melania and Donald Trump express 'deepest condolences' for 12 US troops killed in Kabul - Daily Express

Suicide bombers targeted civilians and US troops at the city's international airport, leading to carnage and devastation. At least 12 US service members, which included 11 Marines and one Navy medic, died in the attacks, according to the Pentagon. The Afghan health ministry also confirmed to CNN that up to 60 civilians perished in the blasts, with many more injured.

In a statement, the former US president said: "'Melania and I send our deepest condolences to the families of our brilliant and brave Service Members whose duty to the U.S.A. meant so much to them.

"Our thoughts are also with the families of the innocent civilians who died today in the savage Kabul attack."

"This tragedy should never have been allowed to happen, which makes our grief even deeper and more difficult to understand," he added.

His wife, Melania, also expressed her deepest sympathies via her Twitter account.

The ex-FLOTUS posted: "'We are praying for the families and loved ones of the Marine heroes killed in Kabul and for everyone who is suffering during this difficult time.'

Responsibility for the deadly bombings has been claimed by Islamic State.

The IS official Amaq news agency said on its Telegram channel that a member called Abdul Rahman al-Logari carried out “the martyrdom operation near Kabul airport”.

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In a statement on his website titled "Surrender-in-Chief", he wrote: "Joe Biden promised Americans a future of growth, strength, diplomacy, and power.

"He told us “America was back.” Instead, he withdrew troops from Afghanistan before removing our weapons, our allies, or even our own citizens.

"Joe Biden has backed down to our enemies and failed to protect our allies. Under Joe Biden, the Taliban is back – not America."

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2021-08-26 23:12:17Z

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