Rabu, 07 Juni 2023

Chris Christie lashes out at Trump family's 'breathtaking grift' – live - The Independent

Former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie launched his campaign for president on Tuesday at a town hall in Manchester, New Hampshire.

This is the second time Mr Christie has made a bid for the White House, the first being in 2016 when he lost to former president Donald Trump.

Though Mr Christie lent his support to Mr Trump in 2016 when he dropped out of the race, he has since changed his opinion of the former president and become a vocal critic of Mr Trump.

That was evident on Tuesday, as he denounced his former ally as a corrupt narcissist and vowed to draw blood in his quest for the Republican nomination. He did so several times during the town hall event, including at one point when he tore into the former president’s family for “breathtaking” levels of corruption and “grift” that he said followed them through the White House and beyond.

The former New Jersey governor plans to position himself as a moderate Republican alternative to both Mr Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, while promising an aggressive campaign unafraid to punch at his rivals.


Christie hits Trump for adding to debt — but so did congressional Republicans

One of Chris Christie’s attacks aimed at Donald Trump Tuesday evening hinged on the issue of the debt, which jumped under the Trump administration in large part due to the Covid-19 pandemic as well as a major tax cut passed in 2017.

The problem? While Mr Trump certainly was the one who signed that bill into law, it was Republicans in Congress — the same ones who he hopes will be his allies during a 2024 run — who voted for it.

John Bowden7 June 2023 06:15

Next big Christie event: A CNN town hall

Chris Christie will return for another town hall event next week — this time moderated by CNN, which has hosted both Donald Trump and Nikki Haley for similar events in recent days.

John Bowden7 June 2023 04:15

Christie rips into Trump family

Speaking about Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House, Mr Christie’s most scathing remark of the night was aimed at the entire Trump family as a whole.

"The grift from this family is breathtaking. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner walk out of the White House, and months later, it turns out, they get $2 billion from the Saudis?” Mr Christie asked.

“That makes us a banana republic,” he added.

John Bowden7 June 2023 03:17

Christie wraps up first 2024 event

Chris Christie’s first 2024 presidential campaign event has ended, following a whirlwind two hours of remarks and questions with the former New Jersey governor.

Follow all of The Independent’s live coverage of the 2024 race here, and be sure to join us again later in the week as the contest heats up with more appearances from GOP candidate including Ron DeSantis.

John Bowden7 June 2023 01:54

Christie sets up bitter 2024 battle with Trump

The battle for the Republican nomination just got a whole lot messier.

That was the defining message of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s campaign launch on Tuesday: Get ready for blood.

Calling out his opponents by name, deconstructing their campaign slogans and clever quips — Chris Christie was in prime form on Tuesday evening at St Anselm College in New Hampshire, where he addressed a small crowd of voters in a town hall-style event and put his sights clear on his top rival, Donald Trump.

Mr Christie spoke at length before taking questions from his guests. In his remarks throughout the event, he remained plain-spoken and sharp-tongued while denouncing the four years of his rival’s presidency as an utter failure and little more than an opportunity for “breathtaking” levels of corruption and “grift” carried out by the Trump family.

Read more:

John Bowden7 June 2023 01:26

A look back on Chris Christie’s 2016 campaign

As former governor Chris Christie prepares to launch his 2024 presidential campaign in New Hampshire on Tuesday, many are reminded of his first go at the White House in 2015.

“America has been a nation that has always controlled events and yet today events control us. Why? Because leadership matters,” Mr Christie wrote in a post on his Facebook wall in 2015 . “It matters if we want to restore America’s role in the world, find the political will to take on the entrenched special interests that continually stand in the way of fundamental change, reform entitlement spending at every level of government, and ensure that every child, no matter their zip code, has access to a quality education.”

Here is a look back at Mr Christie’s campaign for president from The Independent:

John Bowden7 June 2023 01:00

Trump lashes out on Truth Social

Donald Trump attacked his newest primary rival as Chris Christie’s town hall campaign launch unfolded Tuesday evening.

“How many times did Chris Christie use the word SMALL? Does he have a psychological problem with SIZE? Actually, his speech was SMALL, and not very good. It rambled all over the place, and nobody had a clue of what he was talking about,” he wrote on Truth Social.

“Hard to watch, boring, but that’s what you get from a failed Governor (New Jersey) who left office with a 7% approval rating and then got run out of New Hampshire. This time, it won’t be any different!” Mr Trump added.

John Bowden7 June 2023 00:31

Christie attacks Donald Trump, and those who won't

Calling him a man “obsessed with the mirror” and unwilling to admit his own mistakes, Mr Christie entered into the conclusion of his remarks on Tuesday with a pointed attack aimed at Donald Trump.

Mr Christie also lashed out at Republicans like Ron DeSantis and his other rivals for the 2024 nomination, who he said were afraid to name their enemy as if he was “Voldemort” from the Harry Potter franchise.

“Beware of the leader in this country who has never made a mistake. Who has never done anything wrong. Who when something goes wrong it’s someone else’s fault,” said Mr Christie.

John Bowden7 June 2023 00:03

Ex-governor references ‘BridgeGate’ scandal in remarks

Speaking to voters in New Hampshire, Chris Christie made it clear he was not shying away from questions about the ‘BridgeGate’ scandal that consumed the final months of his tenure in office.

Explaining that he trusted people whom he should not have, the governor explained: “It resulted in me being at one point in my career admitting that I was publicly embarrassed and humiliated by the things that had happened on my watch.”

John Bowden7 June 2023 00:00

Christie: Obama, Biden and Trump made America ‘smaller’

Chris Christie lashed out at the past three presidents of the United States in his campaign launch Monday evening, blaming the men for making the United States “smaller” and dividing Americans into groups.

Barack Obama, he said, “divided” America. Donald Trump divided the country “even further”. And Joe Biden ran on bringing the country together, before according to Mr Christie pitting his party against Republicans and painting the GOP with one brush.

John Bowden6 June 2023 23:43

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2023-06-07 05:15:00Z

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