Jumat, 23 Juni 2023

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Students who were close friends with Suleman Dawood have paid tribute to the 19-year-old who they say was a kind person who looked out for others.

The students have shared stories of how Suleman helped them adapt to university life, introduced them to new friends, and supported them in their ambitions.

The students, who only wanted to provide their first names, all attended Strathclyde University with him.


"Suleman was not only an incredibly generous and kind person in the conventional sense, but he also had a remarkable capacity for giving his time and empathy.

"For example, during a very hard period of my life when I was at my lowest point emotionally, he brought me back and made me feel positive about life again.

"Suleman embodied everything of a true friendship, he always displayed genuine concern for me and my friends and was always there to give support.

"His presence in my life was a comforting reminder that someone truly cared for me and would be there with me through anything.

"The world has lost such a wonderful person and my love goes out to the Dawood family."


"I have not met anyone else like Suleman.

"Coming to university was an incredibly daunting and scary part of my life, but Suleman, who was one of the first people I met, instantly made me feel welcomed and safe.

"He was definitely not your typical person, he always found time to listen to you no matter how small it was and offer his thoughts, and was always putting others in-front of himself.

"He loved making memories with his friends, whether that be going for a meal, watching a film, or as simple as spending time with him.

"Anyone who knew him knew how much a generous and down to earth person he was, who spoke often and highly of how much he loved and proud he was of his family.

"Even writing this it is unthinkable to know that we have lost such an amazing friend."


"There are a lot of people online assuming what he was because he was the son of a billionaire, but that assumption could not have been further from who Suleman was.

"He was the most helpful person I have ever met and not just with helping with everyday problems.

"I want to be a writer for TV and film and Suleman would constantly tell me shows and films he had seen that he thought would be useful for me to watch.

"He would talk to me for hours and hours about my ideas for stories, always giving me the best advice and making me feel confident in my writing.

"He was incredibly kind and respectful and had great affection for his parents and his sister, which he always spoke very highly of.

"Anyone who knew him, even if it was for a short period of time knows how much of a loss this is for the world."


"I only knew Suleman for nine months.

"The only way I feel able to express who my friend is, is to tell you about how we first met.

"My first term in university I had moved away from my friends and family, I was struggling with being away and finding it hard to meet people and adjust.

"Suleman came into my life when I was invited back to a friend's flat. 

"I was feeling alone, unsure and homesick when a stranger came up and asked me if I wanted a sandwich, this simple gesture of kindness and compassion for someone they did not know speaks volumes about the type of person he is, not the son of a billionaire but a good person who cared intently about someone he hadn't even met."

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2023-06-24 03:41:26Z

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