Kamis, 28 Oktober 2021

Climate change: Oil chiefs deny approving disinformation campaigns - BBC News

Copyright: Pool

Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar begins by making a claim we've heard several times today - that energy companies paid front companies to push for policies friendly to fossil fuels.

She continues by reading from an ExxonMobil "action plan" from the early 1990s, which says that "victory will be achieved", when the public is confused about the causes of climate change.

She says the goal of this project was to "inject doubt and uncertainty into the climate debate".

"The fossil fuel industry worked collectively to prevent action on climate change. They co-ordinated their campaigns with outside groups," says Omar, accusing lobbying organisations of participating in a conspiracy.

She adds that in 2020, energy companies donated $139m to lawmakers. She notes that around 85% were Republicans, "and mostly climate deniers", and calls for energy companies to keep their money out of politics.

"It seems you all have achieved that victory of leading the public with disinformation," she says, sarcastically congratulating them.

"I hope you are ashamed of the future you have contributed for your children and ours, and I ask you all to resign," she ends.

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2021-10-28 18:33:45Z

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