Rabu, 12 Juni 2024

President Biden changes his schedule to be with his son after guilty verdict - The Independent

Security footage appears to shows Hallie Biden dumping Hunter Biden’s gun in garbage

President Joe Biden flew to Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday to be with his son Hunter Biden after a jury convicted him on three federal gun charges.

Hours after the verdict, the White House Press Office announced that the president’s schedule had changed and that he would head hometown. Later that afternoon, Biden landed in Delaware – greeting his son, daughter-in-law and grandson on the tarmac.

Hunter was charged with two counts of making false statements and one count of unlawfully possessing a firearm for obtaining a gun in October 2018 while he was addicted to crack cocaine.

The president has already said he will not pardon his son but issued a statement saying he and first lady Jill Biden love and support their son and are proud of his resilience in recovery.

Throughout Hunter’s federal gun charges trial, members of the Biden family flocked to the courthouse to show their support for the defendant.

On Tuesday evening, CNN aired a montage comparing and contrasting the very different reaction of Fox News hosts to the criminal convictions of Donald Trump and the younger Biden at their respective trials.


CNN calls out Fox News’s very different reactions to Hunter Biden and Trump guilty verdicts

CNN aired a montage on Tuesday evening comparing and contrasting the very different reaction of Fox News hosts to the criminal convictions of Donald Trump and Hunter Biden at their respective trials, a surprisingly direct attack on a media rival.

Introduced by anchor Abby Phillip, the segment presented the likes of Jeanine Pirro declaring in the wake of the Trump verdict on May 30 that the outcome “goes against the ilk of who we are as Americans and our faith in the criminal justice system”, before praising the Delaware jury for “not being intimidated” by the Bidens and recognising that the case in front of them was “clear-cut… and that no one is above the law”.

Laura Ingraham was shown sneering that “we all need to shop at Banana Republic from now on” in response to Trump’s being found guilty and then insisting that the Bidens had escaped accountability for “their sleazy, corrupt conduct” for years but “today, their luck ran out”.

And Jesse Watters was seen accusing “weak lawyers and talentless political bloodhounds” of being willing to “destroy the rule of law” to prosecute Trump but saying that the Biden verdict “gave me a little boost of confidence in the American legal system”.

Phillip wrapped up the feature by commenting: “Yes, these are two different trials under very different circumstances. Hunter Biden’s was federal, Trump’s was not. The crimes and the evidence? All completely different.

“You can’t claim the justice system is dead because of a single conviction while also praising it for another.

“And you can’t claim President Biden is weaponizing the Justice Department to go after his enemies when that same department just convicted his own son.”

Phillip actually didn’t have time to include Sean Hannity but, rest assured, he kept it up too.

Democratic representatives Jamie Raskin and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez meanwhile teamed up to offer a postive spin on the Hunter verdict in conversation with Chris Hayes.

Here’s our report.

Joe Sommerlad12 June 2024 12:00

Watch: Special Counsel deliver speech after Hunter Biden verdict

Special counsel in Hunter Biden case says 'no one is above the law'
Ariana Baio12 June 2024 11:00

‘This case was about the illegal choices the defendant made'

Special counsel David Weiss made sure to emphasize that the charges and case against Hunter Biden were not about addiction but rather the choices he made while experiencing addiction.

“While there has been much testimony about the defendant’s abuse of drugs and alcohol ultimately this case was not just about addiction, a disease that haunts families across the United States including Hunter Biden’s family, this case was about the illegal choices the defendant made while in the throws of addiction,” Weiss said in a press conference on Tuesday.

Weiss repeated a sentiment heard throughout the trial, “No one in this country is above the law.”

“Everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant. However, Hunter Biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. The prosecution has been, and will continue to be, committed to this principle.”

Ariana Baio12 June 2024 10:00

Juror says they felt badly about Naomi Biden testifying

Naomi Biden’s testimony during her father’s testimony weighed on the jury as they deliberated Hunter Biden’s conviction.

Speaking to CNN after the verdict on Tuesday afternoon, an unnamed juror said he believed that it “was a bad mistake” to put the defendant’s daughter on the stand, adding that most of the jurors “felt sorry” for the 30-year-old.

“No daughter should ever have to testify,” an anonymous juror told CNN an hour after the verdict.

When she took the stand, President Joe Biden’s granddaughter admitted she was “nervous” before proceeding to tell the court that “things got bad” after her uncle Beau died in 2015. She also testified that she never saw her father using drugs.

Hunter grew tearful as he listened to his daughter speak.

The anonymous juror also spoke about another “very sad” revelation that came up during the trial: “I did not know that Hallie also got addicted to crack.”

Kelly Rissman12 June 2024 08:00

How the Hunter Biden guilty verdict will affect the election

Were the charges serious? Yes. Any gun-related criminal charge is generally serious, even in a country with relatively lax laws governing the possession and acquisition of firearms.

The week-long trial, held in a federal courthouse not far from where President Biden’s re-election campaign is based, marked a low point for Hunter. The Yale-educated attorney-turned-businessman has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction for decades, by his own admission.

Andrew Feinberg reports:

Andrew Feinberg12 June 2024 05:00

Could Joe Biden pardon Hunter?

President Joe Biden ruled out pardoning his son, and the president has said he would respect the outcome of the jury trial, which marked the first-ever criminal proceedings of the son of a sitting US president.

But conservative commentators and social media critics have questioned whether the president will stand by his statements after his son’s conviction on three gun counts that could put him in prison for up to 25 years.

If Biden did pardon Hunter, he would be relying on longstanding executive authority that has been exercised dozens of times – but it would be an unprecedented and potentially politically devastating decision from a president who has repeatedly pledged that no one is above the law.

“I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal,” he said on Tuesday after the verdict was announced. “Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that.”

Alex Woodward12 June 2024 01:00

Hunter Biden conviction draws complaints from far-right social media

Far-right commentators couldn’t help but whine on social media moments after Hunter Biden became a convicted felon - despite asking for years for his conviction.

Gustaf Kilander reports:

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 23:00

Hunter Biden juror ‘felt sorry’ for Naomi having to testify in trial

Naomi Biden’s testimony during her father’s testimony weighed on the jury as they deliberated Hunter Biden’s conviction.

“No daughter should ever have to testify,” an anonymous juror told CNN an hour after the verdict.

Kelly Rissman reports:

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 22:00

Joe Biden arrives in Delaware

President Joe Biden arrived in Delaware on Tuesday afternoon, meeting his son, Hunter Biden, on the tarmac where Marine One landed.

Hunter was joined by his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, and their son, Beau Biden.

President Joe Biden greets his grandson Beau Biden as Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen Biden watch, at Delaware Air National Guard Base in Delaware on Tuesday, June 11, 2024
President Joe Biden greets his grandson Beau Biden as Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen Biden watch, at Delaware Air National Guard Base in Delaware on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (AP)
US President Joe Biden hugs his son Hunter Biden upon arrival at Delaware Air National Guard Base in New Castle, Delaware, on June 11, 2024
US President Joe Biden hugs his son Hunter Biden upon arrival at Delaware Air National Guard Base in New Castle, Delaware, on June 11, 2024 (AFP via Getty Images)
Ariana Baio11 June 2024 21:48

Congressman compares Democratic response to Biden verdict to Republicans

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 21:45

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2024-06-12 11:02:34Z

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