Sabtu, 27 Februari 2021

Bad news for Donald Trump Jr: the right is fast tiring of Trumps - The Times

Donald Trump will stride into Orlando, Florida, today for his first public engagement since Joe Biden’s inauguration, confident that he remains the biggest political superstar on the planet. The Conservative Political Action conference (CPAC) — the most important gathering of Republican Party activists — is home to his most ardent supporters. The mere mention of his name guarantees whoops and cheers. He is certain to receive a rip-roaring ovation.

I have news for Trump, though. Republican activists love him, but do not want him to lead them in the 2024 presidential elections. They do not think his son Don Jr is ready for primetime at the White House either.

At the conference, our photographer caught Don Jr making the “OK” hand gesture to an acquaintance

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2021-02-28 00:01:00Z

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