Rabu, 24 Februari 2021

Sir Nick Clegg blames Australian government and media for Facebook's news ban - The Times

Sir Nick Clegg has offered “the real story” behind Facebook’s news ban in Australia, placing blame for the furore with publishers and the government, but not his employers at the social network.

Although he conceded Facebook may have “erred on the side of over-enforcement” in a controversy that saw some 14 million users denied access to news in Australia, Clegg did not admit the social network was at fault.

The former Liberal Democrat leader, who is now vice-president of global affairs at Facebook, wrote a blog post on “the real story” of its actions during a dispute with the government.

It came after the tech giant “blinked first” this week and said it would restore news content to 14 million users after blocking it over

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2021-02-24 17:00:00Z

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