Rabu, 24 Februari 2021

Iceland earthquake: Strong 5.6 quake rattles Reykjavik - aftershocks strike - Daily Express

According to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), the earthquake reached a magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter Scale. The EMSC also reported the quake hit a depth of 10km in the capital and struck at 10.05am. As of yet, there have been no reports of damage although some indicated it had been a strong quake. 

One person said after the earthquake: "Big quake. Several aftershocks."

A second said: "In Downtown Reykjavik.

"It woke me up, the house was shaking and there have been numerous aftershocks making the house wobble.

"I also heard the deep rumble somewhere of the quake."

Such was the power of the quake, some in Iceland reported feeling multiple aftershocks following the initial strike. 

One other person said on Twitter: "Ok, we've had four earthquakes in the last half hour in Reykjavik.

"This is a bit unusual, I have to say.

"And as I'm writing this, here comes the fifth."

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Last year, the capital was hit by a separate 5.6 magnitude earthquake. 

Like today, no injuries or fatalities were reported. 

The country's Met Office, however, did warn of further quakes to hit the country. 

Although one of the most seismically active countries in the world, most quakes do not reach significant levels in Iceland.  

While earthquakes are often minimal, a volcanic eruption occurred in the country 11 years ago which caused widespread disruption across Europe. 

Eyjafjallajökull spewed ash into the atmosphere which halted air travel across Europe for approximately three months. 

As well as mass travel disruption, it also caused the evacuation of certain areas of the country. 

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2021-02-24 10:27:00Z

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