Senin, 01 Februari 2021

Myanmar’s military stages coup d’etat: Live news - Al Jazeera English

Myanmar’s military has seized power and declared a state of emergency for one year following days of escalating tension over the result of November’s parliamentary elections.

Aung San Suu Ky, the country’s de facto leader, President Win Myint and other senior members of the National League for Democracy party were detained in the capital, Naypyidaw, on Monday.

A video broadcast on military-owned television said power was handed to Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, citing “huge irregularities” in November’s vote.

The power grab came as parliament – in which the military is given 25 percent of the seats – was set to open in Myanmar, also known as Burma.

Hello, this is Virginia Pietromarchi in Rome, Italy giving you the latest updates.

UK condemns ‘unlawful’ detention of civilians

The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined the chorus of voices who are condemning the latest developments in Myanmar.

“I condemn the coup and unlawful imprisonment of civilians, including Aung San Suu Kyi, in Myanmar,” Johnson said on Twitter.

“The vote of the people must be respected and civilian leaders released,” he added.

Military statement’s full text

The army declared a one-year state of emergency in a video broadcast on Myawaddy Television (MWD) citing ‘terrible fraud’ in last November’s general election as a justification for seizing power.

Read the full statement here.

China says hopes all sides can manage differences

China said that it hoped that all sides in Myanmar could properly manage their differences under the constitution and legal framework and uphold stability, after the military seized power in a coup.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin made the comments at a daily news briefing in Beijing.

EU Council head Michel condemns military’s seizure of power

European Council President Charles Michel condemned the military’s seizure of power in Myanmar and demanded that it release of all those it had detained in raids across the country.

“The outcome of the elections has to be respected and democratic process needs to be restored,” Michel, who heads the body that represents the EU’s 27 national leaders, wrote on his Twitter account.

Human rights group calls for sanctions

Human Rights Watch’s Asia Advocacy Director, John Sifton urged the US and other countries to send a strong message to the military by imposing direct sanctions.

“The military junta that ruled Myanmar for decades never really stepped away from power in the first place … They never really submitted to civilian authority in the first place, so today’s events in some sense are merely revealing a political reality that already existed,” Sifton said on Twitter.

“The U.S. and other countries with sanctions regime should send a strong message today, by immediately revoking sanctions relaxations and imposing strict and directed economic sanctions on the military leadership and its enormous economic conglomerates; and pressing other key counties — including South Korea and Japan — to force businesses to divest. The Burmese junta doesn’t want to go back to being China’s vassal,” he added in another tweet.

Rohingya condemns attempt to ‘kill democracy”

The Rohingya community condemned the military power grab, according to its leader Dil Mohammed.

“We Rohingya community strongly condemn this heinous attempt to kill democracy,” Dil Mohammed told Reuters news agency by phone.

“We urge the global community to come forward and restore democracy at any cost.”

US concerned about Myanmar developments

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expressing alarm about Myanmar’s military detaining Aung San Suu Kyi and other civilian leaders.

“We call on Burmese military leaders to release all government officials and civil society leaders and respect the will of the people of Burma as expressed in democratic elections on November 8,” Blinken said in a statement from Washington, DC.

“The United States stands with the people of Burma in their aspirations for democracy, freedom, peace, and development. The military must reverse these actions immediately.”

UN chief condemns military take of power

United Nations’ Secretary-General Antonio Guterres strongly condemned the detention of the country’s civilian leaders as the military announced it was taking control of the country for one year.

He expressed “grave concern” about the declaration that all legislative, executive and judicial powers have been transferred to the military. “These developments represent a serious blow to democratic reforms in Myanmar,” said a statement from the UN chief’s spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric.

Guterres said the elections last November provided a strong mandate for Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy to govern. The announcement that the military was taking control came on the first day Myanmar’s Parliament was to convene following the November elections.

The military has argued the vote was tainted by fraud, but the elections commission last week rejected those claims as lacking evidence.

Malaysia calls for peaceful resolution

Malaysia called on all parties to resolve any electoral disputes peacefully.

“Malaysia supports the continuation of discussion among Myanmar’s leaders to avoid adverse consequences to the people and state of Myanmar, especially in the current, difficult COVID-19 pandemic situation,” its foreign ministry said in a statement.

Suu Kyi’s party urges Myanmar’s people to oppose ‘coup’

The National League for Democracy (NLD) released a statement from its chief Suu Kyi, saying the military’s actions were unjustified and went against the constitution and will of voters.

A verified Facebook page for Suu Kyi’s party published comments it said had been written in anticipation of a coup, and which quoted her as saying people should protest against the military takeover.

“The actions of the military are actions to put the country back under a dictatorship,” it said. “I urge people not to accept this, to respond and wholeheartedly to protest against the coup by the military.”

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2021-02-01 07:30:00Z

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